This article explain how solr can be configured to fetch data from neo4j database.Install "movie" sample database in neo4j (3.0.1)
- Click "Favourite" icon (star mark)
- Click on "Movie Graph" under "Example Graphs"
- Run the automatically generated query ":play movie-graph"
- Follow the instruction and create the database
Configuring Solr (6.0.0)
Create a core
You would need to create a core in order to be able to index and search.To create a core use following command
solr create -c <name>
i.e. solr create -c Movie -d basic_configs
Note that new folder will create as /solr-6.0.0/server/solr/Movie . And solr interface would look like below.
Import solr-dataimporthandler jars
Add following entry to /solr-6.0.0/server/solr/Movie/conf/solrconfig.xml<lib dir="${solr.install.dir:../../../..}/dist/" regex="solr-dataimporthandler-.*\.jar" />
Configure dataImportHandler as a requestHandler
Add following entry to /solr-6.0.0/server/solr/Movie/conf/solrconfig.xml<requestHandler name="/dataimport" class="org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandler">
<lst name="defaults">
<str name="config">db-data-config.xml</str>
Note: db-data-config.xml is responsible for data import handler configurations.
db-data-config.xml configurations
Create db-data-config.xml in /solr-6.0.0/server/solr/Movie/conf/ and add following content<dataSource driver="org.neo4j.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:neo4j://localhost:7474" user="neo4j" password="rahal" />
<entity name="movie"
query="MATCH (n:Movie) RETURN n.tagline AS tagline, n.title as title, n.released as released">
<field column="tagline" name="Tagline" />
<field column="title" name="Title" />
<field column="released" name="Released" />
Modify the managed-schema file
Add following fields to the /solr-6.0.0/server/solr/Movie/conf/managed-schema<uniqueKey>Title</uniqueKey>
<field name="Tagline" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
<field name="Title" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
<field name="Released" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
Remove below two line segments
<field name="id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" multiValued="false" />
Add Neo4j JDBC and dependencies
Get neo4j jdbc and it's dependencies using following maven config.<dependencies>
You can find required dependencies using eclipse IDE and by creating a maven project using above maven config.
So following are the required jars.
- httpclient-4.3.2.jar
- httpcore-4.3.1.jar
- httpmime-4.3.jar
- jackson-core-asl-1.9.12.jar
- jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.12.jar
- neo4j-cypher-dsl-1.9.RC2.jar
- neo4j-jdbc-2.0.0-M06.jar
- org.restlet-2.2.2.jar
- org.restlet.ext.httpclient-2.2.2.jar